Transforming Universities

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Transforming Universities

Ontario’s universities remain committed to continuous transformation to meet the ever-changing and evolving needs of students, their communities and the province. They continue to demonstrate their ability to remain nimble, adapting and pivoting programs and services to meet the needs of a changing student body and labour market. They are also doing more with less by adopting innovative ways to reduce red tape and streamline processes that have resulted in significant cost-savings.

A University Sector
in Transformation

A University Sector in Transformation

Ontario’s universities are transforming to meet the changing needs of students and the labour market. They are also finding ways to drive efficiencies, streamline and reduce red tape, diverting more resources to students through cost-savings.

Efficiency Update: Driving Greater Efficiencies to Deliver on Student Success and Economic Growth

Ontario’s universities have demonstrated a long-standing commitment to finding cost savings and doing more with less as highlighted in Driving Greater Efficiencies to Deliver on Student Success and Economic Growth.

Universities Are Transforming to Meet Student and Community Needs

Ontario’s universities are continually
transforming to meet the needs of students,
employers, our communities and the