Members Only Portal

Members Only Portal

COFO Online Reporting System

Submit your article if you are a member

COFO members can submit their reports on-line through the COFO Online Reporting System. The instruction manual to guide members on how to use the COFO online reporting system can be found below.

Instruction Manual

Find the manual and the information it provides here

COFO members can find the following information in the manual:

  • Security – describes security protocols, including setting up new users, deactivating users and changing passwords
  • Template – describes how to upload templates and elimination forms
  • COU – verifies the COFO Template or Elimination form, describes the approval process for submissions
  • Static Reports – describe how users can export the report into Excel or PDF formats
  • Customized Reports – describe how to generate customized reports, as well as export these reports into Excel

Read the COFO manual on online reporting:

For additional information related to COFO financial reporting, please contact:

Keya Biswas
Data Analyst, Policy and Sector Collaboration
Council of Ontario Universities

Financial Data (COFO)

Find timely information about COFO’s objectives, activities and initiatives.

Financial Reports and Highlights

The reports prepared by COFO.

Reporting Guidelines

The Reporting Guidelines (the Guidelines), established by COFO used by universities in the preparation of their COFO Reports to help ensure that the financial information is provided in the most comparative and consistent manner.