Research technology specialist invents better way to collect breast milk

Home Research technology specialist invents better way to collect breast milk

“Since I was still on mat leave and had lots of time, I decided to learn glass blowing and personally make the bowl I needed,” said Scholz. “After I made one for myself, some of my breastfeeding mom friends wanted one too. So, I started an online store selling my handmade creation: The Breastbowl.”

Melanie Scholz, Research technology specialist, University of Waterloo Department of Kinesiology

Research technology specialist invents better way to collect breast milk

Melanie Scholz, a research technology specialist at University of Waterloo’s Department of Kinesiology, has created a product she calls Breastbowl, designed to improve the experience of collecting breast milk.

She created the Breastbowl for women like her who were uncomfortable with electric breast pumps, which she tried and disliked after she returned to work after having a baby.

Scholz, who preferred “hand expression,” set out to design a product that was mess-free, comfortable and created out of clean material – glass.

The demand for Breastbowls has exceeded Scholz’s ability to make them herself. In 2018, she showcased her product at the Make the Breast Pump Not Suck Hackathon, an event hosted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Waterloo staff member heads to Breast Pump Hackathon

Following Research Technology Specialist with the Department of Kinesiology, Melanie Scholz, as she competed in the "Make the Breast Pump Not Suck" Hackathon at MIT. Scholz is the creator of "Breastbowl," a product that allows women to free-hand pump into uniquely shaped glass or silicone bowls.