Critical to frontline health-care workers’ ability to make informed decisions is having access to up-to-date and reliable data resources, especially during a pandemic.
An interactive online tool is helping hospitals and other health-care providers estimate their capacity to manage new cases of COVID-19. Designed by a group of PhD students and researchers at the University of Toronto, the tool examines the number of critical care resources, expected duration of patient stays and the data on age distribution and severity of cases.
Led by Nathan Stall, Isha Berry and Jean-Paul Soucy, this collective effort is enabling health-care providers to compare data points in their local context and make informed choices in the ongoing fight against the virus.
“The tool determines the maximum number of new COVID-19 cases that a health-care system could manage,” says Stall. “It’s based on the age-based case distribution and expected proportion of those individuals who are going to be admitted to acute care, critical care or be mechanically ventilated.”
For more information, visit the University of Toronto.