Improving quality of Great Lakes

Home Improving quality of Great Lakes

“This has not been done before. Building this kind of technology will improve our capabilities for determining nutrient sources and sinks in natural or agriculturally impacted watersheds, for understanding baselines. It will make it faster for us to diagnose systems under potential risk.”

Dr. Christopher Weisener, Geomicrobiologist and Professor at the University of Windsor

Improving quality of Great Lakes

Heavy rainfalls combined with periods of drought can release nutrients from crop fertilizers into waterways, indirectly contributing to algae blooms and other issues in the Great Lakes.

University of Windsor researchers are developing Open Array, a diagnostic chip to detect microbes in sediment as an early warning system for water quality.

Nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen used to fertilize crops get trapped in sediment in both natural wetlands and in man-made systems like water retention ponds and drainage systems.

To learn more, visit the University of Windsor.