Examining COVID-19’s economic impact on Ontario

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“The dashboard provides just a taste of what the model can do. We are expanding our analysis across regions, provinces and states in North America, and we are adapting our models for use in developing countries. We are also partnering with several organizations and other groups at Queen’s to build a comprehensive policymaking dashboard that will bring together both economic and health projections in one place for all of Canada.”

Bahman Kashi, President of Limestone Analytics

Examining COVID-19’s economic impact on Ontario

Providing local and provincial leaders with the best available economic projections in the face of the current pandemic can help direct support to those who need it most.

Queen’s University economists are partnering with Limestone Analytics, a Kingston-based research and analytics firm, to implement their COVID-19 policy analysis tool. The model produces an array of projections to show what will happen to the economy in different situations, depending on how the disease spreads, and how governments, consumers and firms respond to it. The team is working with the Eastern Ontario Leadership Council to understand the data needs of local leaders and with Mitacs to help support graduate student participation on the project.

Understanding how economic outcomes respond to policy choices under alternative scenarios will help governments plan their response to COVID-19 over the coming months.

For more information, visit Queen’s University.