Leveraging location to increase access to COVID-19 vaccines

Home Leveraging location to increase access to COVID-19 vaccines
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“We are thankful to Laurier for allowing us use of their facility. Laurier, among many other community partners and organizations who approached the health unit offering up their space, has shown the tremendous community spirit we’ve seen time and again throughout this pandemic.”

Jo Ann Tober, Chief Executive Officer, Brant County Health Unit

Leveraging location to increase access to COVID-19 vaccines

Accessing vaccination sites can be difficult for some residents, especially those who rely on public transportation. 

To support community and provincial vaccination efforts, Wilfrid Laurier University’s Brantford campus partnered with Brant County Health Unit to leverage its central location to create space for two mass vaccination clinics on campus. The clinics first held vaccine appointments for Brant County residents 80 years and older before expanding their services and offering walk-in appointments to ensure those who wanted to receive a vaccine could get their shot. 

Both spaces acted as the region’s main vaccination sites to ensure all residents could easily access the vaccine. 

For more information, visit Wilfrid Laurier University 

Read more about how Ontario’s universities are supporting the provincial vaccine roll-out.