Matching students and local businesses to find solutions

Home Matching students and local businesses to find solutions
Downtown Kingston, Ontario

“I’m very proud to see this program come together and so quickly. I believe this will serve as an incredible resource for our community.”

Bryan Paterson, Mayor of Kingston

Matching students and local businesses to find solutions

Many local businesses and nonprofits are facing economic challenges due to COVID-19. The Smith School of Business at Queen’s University has partnered with the City of Kingston to match businesses with students who can bring their unique skills and help find solutions during these uncertain times.

Interested businesses can connect with these students who come from a range of backgrounds and fields, including research, strategic planning, digital development, sales, marketing and grant applications.

In addition, Smith School of Business faculty instructors will host free webinars to help local business address everyday challenges and help them recover.

To learn more, visit Queen’s University.