Offering learning opportunities in the energy sector

Home Offering learning opportunities in the energy sector

“The goal is to get prospective students excited about the amazing opportunities that exist in the energy sector, particularly in nuclear engineering and radiation science.”

Sharman Perera, Associate Teaching Professor and Laboratory Manager, FESNS

Offering learning opportunities in the energy sector

To support students and educators through online learning during COVID-19, researchers and faculty at Ontario Tech University have developed digital learning programs to help educate high school students about opportunities in the energy and technology fields as a way to bridge educational programming with industry need.

With support from industry partners, The Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science (FESNS), along with a researcher from the Faculty of Business and Information Technology, created an online lecture series geared towards prospective high school students and teachers that is designed to help solve energy challenges, covering topics ranging from radiation to renewables.

Details have been shared with dozens of school boards and hundreds of teachers through the Ontario Council for Technology Educators. Industry partner support for the lecture series comes from Burlington, Ontario-based InspireTech Canada and Moltex Energy Canada Inc. in Saint John, New Brunswick with the goal to help broaden knowledge of potential future careers in Ontario’s energy sector.

To learn more, visit Ontario Tech University.