Partnering to Educate Future Data Scientists

Home Partnering to Educate Future Data Scientists
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“Now more than ever partnerships such as this are critical to ensure students can continue to learn remotely and prepare them to pursue careers in high-demand fields such as Data Science.”

Neelam Sandhu, Vice President of Business Operations & Strategic Accounts, Office of the CEO at BlackBerry

Partnering to Educate Future Data Scientists

As the pandemic compels us to spend more time online, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly importantIn response, the University of Windsor and Blackberry Limited have joined forces to deliver a cybersecurity curriculum for the university’s graduate master’s program in applied computing. 

Called Blackberry Bootcamp, it covers a range of topics, including digital identity protection and privacy, software engineering, cybercriminal strategies and advanced threat detection technologies. The remote learning program ensures students can continue their education during the COVID-19 crisis  

With practical training in cybersecurity, software engineering and privacy protection, students will emerge with real-world, indemand skills.  

For more information, visit the University of Windsor.