With the right information and often for less than $250, homeowners can protect themselves from the increasing risks of basement floods, according to a report from the University of Waterloo.
A new, multi-year project carried out by Waterloo’s Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation has identified the most common flood risks for Canadian homeowners, and has identified the most cost-effective steps that homeowners can take to protect themselves from basement flooding.
The project examined results from home flood risk assessments completed by flood risk assessors at over 500 homes in southern Ontario and Saskatchewan in 2017 and 2018. The report summarizes the most common factors that put homes at increased risk of water flowing into basements through ground level windows, through basement drains and seeping in through basement walls.
The project determined that conversations and in-person professional advice were the best way to encourage homeowners to take the necessary steps to protect their properties.
To learn more, visit the University of Waterloo.