Putting eastern Ontario on a high-tech map

Home Putting eastern Ontario on a high-tech map

“You can get so close you can almost taste it. You can even get to the point where – if the company gives you a product code for whatever you’re ordering – you can click on it, search your product code and see where it is in the manufacturing process. You can see it is in this stage of development and is “X” many days away from being completed.”

Andrew Harkness, Researcher, eastern Ontario modelling project

Putting eastern Ontario on a high-tech map

Carleton University’s Immersive Media Studio (CIMS) is building a detailed, digital 3-D model of eastern Ontario that will gather the region’s entire economic and agricultural activity into a visual treasure trove of information.

It has started by mapping the region’s breweries, showing locations and detailed, high-definition visualizations of the companies’ exteriors and interiors, layered with data on what they produce and what factors into their supply chain – so that, for example, their needs could be matched to hops producers in the regions.

The research team is now mapping the region’s agricultural and food industries, before moving on to manufacturing, and eventually tourism and transportation operations.

CIMS’ partner in the project, the Ontario East Economic Development Commission, will be able to utilize the 3-D model to better understand and stimulate the region’s economic activity.