As Ontario schools continue to provide lessons online during COVID-19, many K-12 educators are seeking appropriate tools and resources to help ensure quality digital learning experiences for their students.
In order to provide teachers with the tools they need, experts in the Faculty of Education at Brock University are sharing online resources and recommendations with K-12 teachers and teacher candidates to support the transition to online teaching. Resources are selected based on a number of criteria, including the Ministry of Education’s recommended curriculum resources.
“Online learning is comprised of a well thought out instructional design that is the result of weeks or months of planning and a comprehensive review of the learning goals and the available technology resources,” said Camille Rutherford, Associate Professor of Education and Brock’s Acting Vice-Provost, Strategic Partnerships and International.
“At this time of crisis, educators should focus on the needs of their students and their learning goals when determining how to use technology to support remote learning.”
To learn more, visit Brock University.