Using big data in the fight against COVID-19

Home Using big data in the fight against COVID-19

“Large urban hubs that have very mobile populations can act as catalysts for the spread of infectious diseases. The Toronto-based project will provide implications to inform other global cities in dealing with pandemics.”

Professor Lu Wang, Ryerson University

Using big data in the fight against COVID-19

In the fight against COVID-19, big data has been essential in helping leaders and health-care workers make informed decisions. To help, Ryerson University is working on a new research data project to enhance public health response and the understanding of the disease’s transmission.

Led by Ryerson University health geography professor Lu Wang and her research team are mapping where people go and how they behave before and after the outbreak so they can understand how risk perception and preventive measures taken by individuals, are affecting the transmission of COVID-19 within communities.

By using spatial analysis and a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze patterns of movement they hope to identify which neighbourhoods need greater resources ultimately helping target those areas who need support the most.

To learn more visit Ryerson University.