Working to prevent occupational illness in Northern communities

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Working to prevent occupational illness in Northern communities

The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University acquired a mobile lab dedicated to the prevention of occupational illness and industry.

The only one of its kind in Canada, the lab is a custom-designed, 40-foot vehicle outfitted with innovative, portable research equipment to support research in fatigue mitigation, mobile equipment accident prevention, vibration-induced injury prevention, heat stress prevention, and sleep hygiene.

The Mobile-CROSH supports research in northern, rural, and remote communities and includes a clinical space, and training and meeting spaces. M-CROSH has planned a multi-city tour and outreach to address the unique needs of northern communities.

Industry and community partners include Workplace Safety & Prevention Services, Workplace Safety North, Norcat, and United Steelworkers.

For more information on M-CROSH, visit Laurentian University.