Good Governance

Home Leading Practices Good Governance

A Commitment to Good Governance

Home Leading Practices Good Governance

Ontario universities are committed to enhancing good governance in the sector, to help fulfill the unique purposes of universities and be accountable to their multiple stakeholders. Leading practices in board governance in the Ontario publicly assisted university sector are vital as it is the governing body of a university that is primarily accountable to external stakeholders for the financial sustainability and effectiveness of university governance overall.

Leading governance practices are established within the unique and complex context of publicly-funded universities in the Province of Ontario. Universities are created as independent not-for-profit corporate entities in support of their status as autonomous entities, independent from partisan and political influence.
In carrying out their fiduciary responsibilities over autonomous institutions, university governing bodies play a critical role in leading strategic priorities and oversight, including overall strategy, fiscal integrity, risk management and financial sustainability of the university.

Learn more about the core elements of leading practices in governance across Ontario’s universities.


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