Applications and Applicants
Identifies the number of applications received by the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC), as well as the number of distinct applicants.
(Last updated: April 2024)
A wide array of data is available from Ontario universities, including the following subjects:
Identifies the number of applications received by the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC), as well as the number of distinct applicants.
(Last updated: April 2024)
This data identifies the numbers of degrees, by type and gender, issued by Ontario universities.
(Last updated: June 2024)
Student headcounts and FTEs at Ontario universities.
(Last updated: August 2024)
Identifies the size of faculties in Ontario and the amount they spend on academic salaries.
(Last updated: April 2024)
The data that follows provides a summary of Ontario universities’ revenue and expenses. Additional information can be found from COFO.
(Last updated: April 2024)
Provides information on universities’ expenditures on student financial assistance.
(Last updated: June 2024)
Additional information can be found from the Common University Data Ontario (CUDO)