One-Pagers and Booklets

Home University Impact One-Pagers and Booklets

One-Pagers and Booklets

To help the province find solutions to big challenges, Ontario’s universities are supporting student success; driving a competitive economy; fueling regional economic development; rebuilding the health-care system; and transforming to meet the changing needs of students, communities and the province.

Browse through the below one-pagers and booklets to find out how, through talent, innovation and strong partnerships, universities will continue to build a brighter future for all Ontarians.


Learn more about how Ontario’s universities are supporting students and communities
to create a better future for all Ontarians

Supporting Student and Community Mental Health and Wellness

Ontario’s universities are committed to supporting the mental health and well-being of students and communities.

University Students Make an Impact in Ontario’s Communities

Students are making a positive impact and building resiliency in communities across the province.

Helping Students Graduate Job-Ready

Universities are ensuring students graduate job-ready and can support an evolving economy.


Learn more about how Ontario’s universities are preparing students for the future
by providing them with the tools to adapt and encouraging life-long learning

Partnering to Develop Resilient Life-Long Learners

To help navigate the social, economic and technological change that will continue to face our…

Reskilling and Upskilling Ontario’s Workforce

Universities are helping build a strong foundation for talent through reskilling and upskilling, while also…


Learn how Ontario’s universities are partnering with industry and communities to help make
Ontario a front runner in innovation, productivity and sustainability

Fueling the Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain

Universities are key drivers of Ontario’s advanced manufacturing sector, ensuring its growth and success on…

Partnering to Support Ontario’s Agriculture Sector

Across the province, universities are partnering with industry and local communities to support Ontario’s agriculture…

Partnering for a Better Future for Advanced Manufacturing

This booklet features some of the ways Ontario’s universities are building on the province’s strong…

Partnering for a Better Future for Ontario’s Regional Economies

Ontario’s universities are helping to drive regional economic development, and create an environment where businesses,…

Partnering for a Better Future for Health Care

From creating the life-saving technologies that improve quality of life, to training the physicians, nurses…


Learn how Ontario’s universities are forging strong, solutions-driven partnerships
to support communities

Partnering with Municipalities to Drive Regional Talent Development

To help address labour shortages, Ontario’s universities are developing the creative, adaptable talent that spurs…

Partnering with Municipalities in Finding Housing Solutions

Universities are partnering with local regions and municipalities to find affordable housing solutions.

Ontario's Universities: Supporting Regions Across the Province

Ontario’s Universities: Supporting Regions Across the Province

Ontario’s universities have a vital role to play in the economic recovery of Ontario’s communities…

Partnering to Help Municipalities Build Climate-Resilient Communities

Ontario’s regions and municipalities are often at the forefront of climate resilience and adaptation, working…


Learn how Ontario’s universities are partnering with communities for a stronger Ontario

Supporting Student and Community Mental Health and Wellness Throughout the Pandemic

Ontario’s universities are committed to supporting the mental health and well-being of our students and…

Partnering to Provide an Enriching Experience for Ontario’s Students During COVID-19

As we face the uncertainties brought about by COVID-19, Ontario’s universities are committed to ensuring…

COVID-19 Partnering to Support Communities Through Research and Innovation

Universities are applying world-class research and innovative solutions to help build stronger communities as they…

Partnering to Support Ontario’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Ontario’s universities, their students and researchers are playing a vital role in accelerating provincial vaccination…

COVID-19 Partnering with Communities for a Stronger Ontario

Ontario’s universities are playing a vital role as anchors in local regions across the province.

How University Students are Making an Impact During COVID-19

University students are demonstrating their adaptability and commitment to helping build community resiliency and supporting…