In celebration of International Women’s Day, Ontario’s universities are proud to take part by hosting numerous events, discussions, activities and workshops that help promote the social, economic and political achievements of women.
Below is a list of just some of the International Women’s Day initiatives taking place at universities across the province.
Algoma University
With the theme “Choose to Challenge Gender Bias and Inequality,” Algoma University is hosting an International Women’s Day virtual celebration and panel discussion that’s free to attend for the entire Algoma University community. All participants will receive a “Thank you for participating package” filled with virtual gifts from female-led businesses in the local community.
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Brock University
To explore how equity, diversity and inclusion principles and practices play out in the areas of research involving innovation and commercialization, Brock University is hosting an online panel to celebrate International Women’s Day.
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Carleton University
Through the #CUinScience campaign Carleton University’s Faculty of Science will highlight accomplishments of female researchers and students in science — at Carleton and beyond — with the dual goal of inspiring the next generation of female scientists.
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University of Guelph
With a presentation and discussion of leadership, mentorship and an equal future, the University of Guelph is co-hosting a webinar (which will include testimonials) about the barriers and opportunities women have experienced on their journey to positions in various leadership roles.
Lakehead University
Lakehead University is celebrating International Women’s Day by encouraging students to commit to helping forge a more inclusive world through the #ChooseToChallenege social media campaign.
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Laurentian University
To discuss how women can manage and overcome gender-based hurdles in their careers, while celebrating the achievements of women, Laurentian University is hosting an online panel of female talent leaders from adidas, RBC, AIG, IBM, and Facebook.
McMaster University
At McMaster University, Dr. Nadine Caron, the first female First Nations surgeon in Canada and recipient of the 9th Annual Chanchlani Global Health Research Award, will deliver this year’s Chanchlani lecture, scheduled for International Women’s Day.
This annual event features star researchers from McMaster who are investigating problems that greatly impact women’s health.
Nipissing University
Offering tips for women on how to manage early-career transitions for long-term career success, gender-based hurdles in the workplace and how to be an ally and mentor, Nipissing University is hosting an online panel of female talent leaders from adidas, RBC, AIG, IBM, and Facebook in honour of International Women’s Day.
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OCAD University
In recognition of International Women’s Day, OCAD University’s InStudio is publishing photographs of women from the early 20th century who pursued their artistic ambitions by studying at the Ontario College of Art (as OCAD University was then known).
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Ontario Tech University
Ontario Tech University’s Brilliant Catalyst is celebrating International Women’s Day by highlighting some of the important work from two student entrepreneurs who are working to improve the lives of people within their local communities.
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University of Ottawa
This year, the University of Ottawa is partnering with Invest Ottawa on the 3rd Annual International Womxn’s Week (IWW) with a shared goal to inspire, equip and empower women professionally. Through a 3-part virtual event the University of Ottawa will bring together women in the workplace, corporate leaders, thought leaders and influencers who are passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion.
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Queen’s University
In honour of International Women’s Day, Queen’s University is celebrating the achievements of eight impressive alumnae who have made a tremendous impact on the world, from conducting research that has changed the way doctors approach breast cancer treatments to pioneering the way Indigenous studies are taught at universities across North America.
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Ryerson University
Women are at the front and centre of the COVID-19 pandemic, facing disproportionate impacts and driving change. On International Women’s Day, Ryerson University is hosting a virtual panel with community leaders to discuss the critical role that women have played in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trent University
Women have always been at the forefront in caring for loved ones; families, neighbours, and communities. With a focus on women and health, Trent University is hosting its annual Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon. The panel discussion will explore the role women play in promoting collective growth and healing.
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University of Toronto
From the concept of pink tax to inclusivity in health care, from March 8th – 12th, the University of Toronto will be hosting a variety of virtual events and workshops in celebration of International Women’s Day.
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University of Waterloo
Women’s voices have always been powerful, relevant and necessary. On International Women’s Day, the University of Waterloo is hosting a virtual breakfast to discuss how diversity and equity are critical to helping power shifts in science, technology, entrepreneurship, and social change.
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Western University
To support women in engineering and to highlight the need for a more equitable society, Western University is encouraging students to take part in the #ChooseToChallenege social media campaign for International Women’s Day.
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Wilfrid Laurier University
Through a special online event dedicated to the successes and struggles women have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, Wilfrid Laurier University and the International Women’s Forum, will feature a panel of speakers who will showcase the brilliant and bold ways women are actively demonstrating their leadership and resiliency while working through a global pandemic.
University of Windsor
In support of the South Asian Film Festival and International Women’s Day, every Friday, The Department of Women and Gender’s Studies at the University of Windsor will host a free virtual event, showcasing South Asian documentaries that aim to create meaningful dialogue around intercultural awareness.
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York University
In recognition of International Women’s Day, York University is bringing together women graduates from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies who are currently in leadership roles, to share their career journeys and discuss their path to success with students.
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