Reports & Resources

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Reports & Resources

Key reports that highlight the role of Ontario’s universities’ – from jobs and skills to health care, community transformation and much more.

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Browse a wide selection of reports and resources to learn more about the priorities of the sector as well as the important role Ontario’s universities play in supporting the province’s students and communities while fostering innovative research, thought leadership and more.

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From initiatives that aim to strengthen Indigenous supports and programs on campuses to information about how universities continue to work to help protect students and communities against COVID-19, learn more about the critical resources in place at Ontario’s universities.

Efficiency Update: Driving Greater Efficiencies to Deliver on Student Success and Economic Growth

Ontario’s universities have demonstrated a long-standing commitment to finding cost savings and doing more with less as highlighted in Driving Greater Efficiencies to Deliver on Student Success and Economic Growth.

Ontario’s Universities’ Continuing Commitment to Transparency

Ensuring effective and transparent financial accountability is a top priority for all Ontario universities.

How Ontario’s Universities are Strengthening Commercialization for the Benefit of Ontario

With a shared goal to help generate intellectual property (IP) for the benefit of Ontario’s people and regions, Ontario’s universities remain committed to working across sectors to improve commercialization outcomes.

Strengthening Ontario Campuses through Indigenization

Strengthening Ontario Campuses through Indigenization

Ontario’s universities are committed to advancing the process of reconciliation and ensuring that Indigenous Peoples have a thriving voice and active presence on university campuses across Ontario.

Supporting Student and Community Resilience through Mental Health Resources and Programming

Universities across the province remain focused on delivering the student mental health resources and services needed to support the mental health and well-being of university students and communities.

Sexual Violence Support and Education at Ontario’s Universities

Every Ontario university is committed to providing a safe, supportive and respectful environment in which to live, learn and work.

Accessible Campus

Accessible Campus is a bilingual website focused on providing tools for educators and administrators to enhance accessibility and increase mental health awareness on Ontario university campuses.

Partnering to Protect our Students and Communities Against COVID-19

Ontario’s universities remain committed to ensuring the health and safety of students, staff, faculty and community members.