Supporting kids in foster care

Home Supporting kids in foster care

“We assume, in the community, every time there’s a child in need, there’s a place for that child to go. But some communities have hit the wall – they no longer have that resource. Think about how vulnerable some of those children are."

Alan Leschied, Western University education researcher and leading expert on foster care

Supporting kids in foster care

In an effort to monitor how well Canada’s foster care system works, Western University’s Alan Leschied examined data from every province and territory, including almost 1,000 foster care providers. Working with the Child Welfare League of Canada, he looked at why people become foster parents, what engages them, and what made them abandon the system. The study revealed an increasing number of children dealing with complex issues stemming from violence and neglect. At the same time it showed a drop in the number of care providers.

Beyond shining the light on a significant failing, the study resulted in an online support and education resource for foster families across the country.