Financial Data (COFO)

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Financial Data (COFO)

Here you will find timely information about COFO’s objectives, activities and initiatives.

Reporting Guidelines

The Reporting Guidelines (the Guidelines), established by COFO used by universities in the preparation of their COFO Reports to help ensure that the financial information is provided in the most comparative and consistent manner.

Members Only Portal

COFO Online Reporting System, Instruction Manual

Council of Ontario Finance Officers (COFO)

An affiliate of the Council of Ontario Universities, COFO is comprised of senior finance officers from the province’s universities. Its activities include producing the Financial Report of Ontario Universities Highlights, as well as collecting the reports submitted by COFO members.

Financial Data

COFO annually prepares and makes available comparable financial data for the Ontario university sector. This is part of the sector’s commitment to transparency and accountability, and augments the publishing of audited financial statements by member institutions.

Both static data tables and customized reports are available, as well as an instruction manual on using these tools.

An affiliate of the Council of Ontario Universities, COFO is comprised of senior finance officers from the province’s universities. Its activities include producing the Financial Report of Ontario Universities Highlights, as well as collecting the reports submitted by COFO members.

Report Highlights

Each year, COFO also publishes the Financial Report of Ontario Universities Highlights (the Highlights), which summarize sector-level financial trends for publicly funded universities.

Highlights 2022-23

Highlights 2021-22

Highlights 2020-21

Highlights 2019-20

Highlights 2018-19

Highlights 2017-18

University Financial Statements