LUARS Research Station Fuels Agricultural Innovation

Home LUARS Research Station Fuels Agricultural Innovation

LUARS Research Station Fuels Agricultural Innovation

To help increase farmers’ acres of production, adopt new practices and add new crop varieties, the Lakehead University Agricultural Research Station (LUARS) is conducting 51 experiments this year, focusing on testing new fertilizers and agricultural products.

Farmers report that having LUARS is a ‘huge benefit’ to help them adopt new practices with reduced risk and allow the increased production of agriculture products. LUARS also benefits students; for example, a student who researched nitrogen fertilizers on spring wheat under the guidance of the LUARS director was able to secure a job as a grain inspector.

And although climate change remains a key challenge for the region’s rain-fed agriculture, LUARS continues to innovate, testing new crop varieties and plant growth regulators to support local farmers while also minimizing environmental impacts.

For more information, visit Lakehead University